Giuseppe Parrello


Container Check Digit Creator for Android


This app is able to create or to verify a container's Check-Digit, complying with standard ISO 6346 (Annex A).
Please insert a 10-digits container number (for example XXXU123456) to retrieve the Check-Digit.
If you want to verify an existing Check-Digit, please insert a 11-digits container number (for example XXXU1234561).


Additional Information

Type Updated Current Version Size Requires Android
Stable March 11, 2024 1.15 2.73 MB 4.4 and up



Stable Download here Get it on Google Play Available at Apkpure Android app on Aptoide
Checksum MD5 9a9f2abc5ea31e5e5df068e43f428e6e
Checksum SHA-1 ef53cc6270d50675736b8c49933227100163ce33
Checksum SHA-256 bb051e398ff20bef1496ec85511a861a2238ee1f5b2833bde6703ad4b9f84114


Important Notice

July 24, 2023 : Today, Google has released a post on his Blog dedicated to developers which claims that Android Kitkat (Android 4.4) will no longer be compatible with Google services (Google Play Services) as of August 2023. As happened with Android Jelly Bean (see previous paragraph), this occurs due to the low percentage of users who still use the above-mentioned Android version (percentage less than 1 percent).
The Author of this app will try to keep compatibility with Android Kitkat, at least until users request it and until Google provides developers with the ability to properly support the above-mentioned Android version.

June 24, 2023 : Version 1.13 of this app is the latest version that supports Android Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3).
Since the percentage of users still using Android Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3) is below 0.5 percent, the next version of this app will no longer be compatible with Android Jelly Bean (minimum supported version will be Android Kitkat 4.4).
For the author of this app it is impossible to follow 17 Android versions (from 4.1 to 13), this will allow the author to focus on "only" 14 Android versions, which will become 15 this year with the release of Android 14.
However, the latest versions of all apps still compatible with Android Jelly Bean will remain available on the author's website.
This takes place two years after Google's post "Google Play services discontinuing updates for Jelly Bean" which claimed that Jelly Bean would no longer be compatible with Google services (Google Play Services).

May 19, 2022 : The year 2022 will be a very difficult year for all Android developers. Google has published a policy page that all Android developers will have to respect, which includes the inability to install external APK packages (some well-known File Managers no longer allow this), the inability to access the user's location (and therefore also to GPS), stricter regulations on data security and privacy regulations, increasingly limits to access to device files, an increasingly restricted use of authorizations, up to accessibility restrictions. For no-profit programmers like me, who release free apps, it will be more and more a real risk to continue publishing on the Google Store. For this reason I carry on my apps especially on my personal website, in this case I have more control of the apps I publish, moreover these apps can be updated within the apps themselves (assuming that users may still find a file manager on the Google Store ready to install the APK file provided by me on my website for the first time).


Release 1.15 – March 11, 2024

Release 1.14 – September 30, 2023

Release 1.13 – June 25, 2023

Release 1.12 – February 26, 2023

Release 1.11 – July 9, 2022

Release 1.10 – March 29, 2022

Release 1.9 – January 12, 2022

Release 1.8a – November 29, 2021

Release 1.8 – November 12, 2021

Release 1.7 – October 12, 2020

Release 1.6 – July 16, 2020

Release 1.5 – December 24, 2019

Release 1.4 – October 20, 2019

Release 1.3 – June 29, 2019

Release 1.2 - January 13, 2019

Release 1.1 - February 19, 2016

Release 1.0 - February 11, 2016

First Release.



Container Check Digit Creator